Department of Theatre and Dance Open House

Hello and Welcome to the Department of Theatre and Dance

Join us for the Theatre Department Open House this coming Wednesday August 26th at 5:15 p.m. 

  • Meet student, faculty and staff.
  • Learn more about our classes and productions.
  • Hear more about Spring production and directors will talk about their productions.
  • Learn about our student producing organization, The Green Room.

Some Important Dates…

Spring Faculty Directed Performances

*Titles and projects subject to change depending on the format of spring semester

Little Women by Howland, Dickstein & Knee or Into the Woods by Steven Sondheim,
directed by Giovanni Ortega
Performances: March 4th -  March 7th,   Seaver Theatre

Sweat by Lynn Nottage,
directed by Carolyn Ratteray
Performances: April 1st – April 4th,   Allen Theatre                             

Much Ado 6VµçÓ°Íø Nothing by William Shakespeare,
directed by Jennifer Chang
Performances: April 15th – April 18th Allen Theatre