(1985) is part of a subgenre of satirical dystopias inspired by George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. So much so that one of the working titles was 1984 ½. Brazil dives into the absurdity, tension, and dehumanization of a society defined by corporate culture and the superficiality of the consumerism it engenders. It serves as a forerunner for films that would go a step further— and . A key component in all three is the role of imagination as a means of escapism to push back against the machine that would otherwise devour us. —Colossus
A bureaucrat in a dystopic society becomes an enemy of the state as he pursues the woman of his dreams. —IMDb
Join us Thursday evenings from May 16 through June 20 for weekly outdoor film screenings in the John and Louise Bryson Courtyard at the Benton. Bring your blankets, chairs, and snacks to relax and enjoy carefully selected films related to topics in our (on view through June 23).
Admission is free and open to the public. Galleries open until 10 pm for Art After Hours.