Audio Recording Accommodations Procedures and Tutorial

The following instructions on how to audio record lectures are provided for the benefit of:

  • Students who are eligible for and have requested to use Notetaking Support accommodations such as audio recording of lectures.

Recording Agreement

Students are required to adhere to the following conditions prior to using the accommodation. Violation of any of these conditions will be reported to Student Conduct for disciplinary action.

  • Understand the recorded material will be solely used for their personal use for educational purposes only
  • Audio recording will not be reproduced, shared, or distributed to any other individual or entity in any way.
  • Understand the recorded material is protected under federal and international copyright legislation and may not be published or quoted (this includes social media) without the instructor's explicit consent and without properly identifying/crediting the lecturer.
  • Understand that recordings are intended to act as a supplement to my course notes and are not a substitute for my attendance in class
  • Understand that recording may need to be stopped if personal or sensitive information is being shared.
  • Understand that all recordings must be deleted at the end of the term.

Process to Use Audio Recording Accommodations

  1. ARS student submits an Accommodation Request through selecting Audio Recording for each class needed.​
  2. ARS emails a Notification of Accommodation to each instructor about two weeks prior to the term, or within one business day for subsequent requests.​
  3. Students eligible for recording lectures will make their own recordings of lectures. Students are able to use any recording device such as, phones, audio recorders, etc.