Physical Therapy Planning Guide

Prerequisites vary from school to school. This is a general list, but it is important to verify individual school before applying. Please refer to the for detailed information about the courses, including pre-requisites.

Course Name Typical requirement Courses Offered Courses Offered
Bio 2 semesters, with lab BIOL40 BIOL41
Chem 2 semesters, with lab CHEM1a CHEM1b
Chem Organic chem is recommended CHEM110  
Math 1 semester Calc required by some schools MATH30 MATH31
Physics 2 semesters, with lab PHYS40 PHYS41
Other human anatomy w/lab and human physiology w/ lab. Check Keck Science  KS BIOL141L (Vert Anatomy)

KS BIOL131L (Vertebrate physiology)

Upper Level Bio Microbiology or other    
Psychology 2 semesters PSYC051 PSYC131
Neuroscience 2 semesters recommended NEUR101a NEUR101b
Statistics 1 semester Statistics PSYC158 or Math58B Keck Science Bio Stats (BIOL175)

KS=Keck Science