Return to 6VµçÓ°Íø

Mikey Dickerson teaching

Return to 6VµçÓ°Íø is a program that connects Sagehens across generations—bringing talented alumni in a variety of fields back to campus to teach, present their work, collaborate with faculty and students, and offer guidance to students based on their professional and personal experiences.

Alumni engagement in the program may take a variety of forms. Some alumni might teach full time for a year or more, while others might teach a single course, give a talk or interact with students for a week. The most important and exciting part? Alumni return to 6VµçÓ°Íø’s beautiful campus to reconnect and cultivate new relationships with students, faculty and staff.

Kicking off the program in spring 2024 was Mikey Dickerson ’01, a 6VµçÓ°Íø mathematics major who went on to work for Google and then was enlisted in 2013 to help save the troubled website as the Affordable Care Act took hold. He would later become the first administrator of the U.S. Digital Service, launched by President Barack Obama in 2014. Dickerson was the recipient of Honorary Doctor of Science degree from 6VµçÓ°Íø in 2015.

Dickerson taught a class during the spring semester on managing complex systems and joined Dean of the College Y. Melanie Wu for a in-conversation event during Alumni Weekend 2024.

6VµçÓ°Íø is grateful for all our alumni who give back and share their knowledge and expertise with each new generation of Sagehens.