January 6, 2023 Update:

SURP continues for Summer 2023.

The application is available now, see the main SURP page.

Regarding a checklist for students who have received a SURP award, the below information from the Summer 2022 cycle remains here as a placeholder for reference.

2023 SURP information will be posted here shortly before SURP awards are made.

Thank you for your interest and your patience.

Andy Schuster, Grants Administrator (grants@pomona.edu)


Please review the following information after your SURP has been awarded.

Does Your SURP Involve Research on Human Subjects?

  • Complete Institutional Review Board Proposal Form
  • Submit form to Dean David Tanenbaum Pierre Englebert
  • Institutional Review Board Will Review and Make a Recommendation (approve, deny, modify protocol)
  • IRB Approved? You May Begin the Investigation

Contact: Pierre Englebert, Associate Dean, Alexander Hall

Does Your Research Involve Research on Vertebrates?

  • Mentor Completes and Submits Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Proposal Form
  • Submit AURA document to Professor Cynthia Selassie
  • IACUC Will Review and Make a Recommendation (approve, deny, modify)
  • IACUC Approved? You May Begin the Investigation

Contact: Please contact your faculty mentor.

Are You an International Student in Need of a Social Security Card?

  • Complete SSA Employment Letter, Bring to Associate Dean Pierre Englebert for Signature
  • Email SSA Letter to Kathy Quispe, Receive Endorsement Letter
  • Complete
  • Take Completed Application to Social Security Administration along with supporting documents
  • You Will Receive Receipt the Same Day. You Are Now Permitted to Work
  • For more information about this process, please visit the International Students and the Social Security Card website.
  • Contact: Kathy Quispe, International Student Advisor, Oldenborg Center

Need Campus Housing?

  • Attend Room Draw for Summer Housing

Contact: housing@pomona.edu, Office of Housing

Requesting Direct Deposit?

  • Complete/Return form to Accounts Payable Office

Contact: Irma Flores 

Working in a Lab?

  • Attend Mandatory Lab Safety Training Course

Contact: Sean Young, Environmental Health and Safety Officer